Frequently Asked Questions:
Preposition, the Undercurrent Anthology

If you have a question that isn’t answered here or in the payment portal, submit a question here!

Q: How Do I submit to Preposition?
Click here. Pay into the Community Publication Fund, and you will immediately receive the link to the submission portal in your email

Q: I don't know if I qualify. Can I submit?
If you have attended Undercurrent, you qualify! If you have attended at least 3 Undercurrent workshops OR if you have been in Throughline and attended at least 1 Undercurrent, then you qualify. You do not have to currently be in Undercurrent.

Q: Could my submission be rejected?
This anthology is meant to showcase the Undercurrent community, and we want your poem in it. Your submission will only be rejected if it does not follow the submission guidelines, underdeveloped, problematic, harmful to others, or otherwise inappropriate to publish.

Q: Can you please clarify the submission guideline about being related to Undercurrent?
It can be born in workshop. It can be born from Throughline. It can be born of a relationship from the community. This is up to your discretion. It must be from our Undercurrent Universe and the closer, the better. Your work should honor the community. Proposition is meant to showcase, compile, and historicize the poems we've created together. As long as you honor that, you’re submitting the right work.

Q: How many poems can I submit?
Three poems, up to 2 pages per poem, no more than 5 pages.

Q: I'm not ready to submit yet. When should I pay my $15?
As soon as possible. Once you pay, you'll have full access to the submission portal. You have until April 1, 2021 to submit your poems.

Q: Why does it cost $15 to submit?
Your $15 covers exactly the production of the book, the cover artist's work, and shipping costs. By taking this approach, we ensure that the production costs are covered by all of us. Each one of us paying our $15 makes the entire anthology possible. Think of it as a co-op or a co-collaborate project.

Q: Can I pay more than one $15 and submit more than once?
No. Each person is limited to a single (3 poem) submission. You can, however, donate to the Community Publication Fund to sponsor other poets who are not able to pay their own $15 fee.

Q: Will there be an option to purchase more hard copies?
Yes. Hard copies will be available for purchase. Pre orders will launch in May. There will only be pre orders, and once the book goes to print there will be no way to order additional copies. Shipping domestically and internationally

Q: How many poems will be in the anthology?
However many we want.

Q: How many of my poems will be in the anthology?
Everyone who submits an eligible poem will have at least on poem in the anthology. If we decide that the anthology cannot exist without more than one of your pieces, you could potentially have more than one included.

Q: Why do we have to pay before seeing the submission guidelines?
The paywall is to decrease labor time since the compilation of this anthology is all unpaid. Paying the $15 is a commitment to the anthology.

Q: Will there be multiple volumes?
Hopefully! As long as we have a committee dedicated to putting the time and creating an anthology, we will create volumes.

Q: What should I do if I do not know what my address will be?
If you are unsure of what your address will be when the books are sent out, you can just put "check back later" (or something to that affect) when you submit and you are prompted for your address. We will follow up with you when we are ready to ship.